Codes of Conduct

Congregational Policy: Code of Conduct 

The Congregation actively promotes a way of life which embraces Christian values and ethics including:

 The Congregation’s Code of Conduct is based on these values and provides guidelines for all members on the appropriate way to interact with clients, colleagues, volunteers, visitors, and members of the general public. By adhering to these guidelines, we will all contribute to the development of a warm and friendly environment, focused on supporting one another and living God’s will for us in our community.

 Our Calling

Recognising that we are a diverse congregation, each of us on a faith journey, as a people we journey together affirming our calling under God:

 Consideration should be given to our calling in seeking guidance and interpretation surrounding this policy. 


This policy applies to all members, adherents and staff of Queanbeyan Uniting Church.

Principles Underpinning Process 

 Further Assistance

Anyone who requires further assistance in understanding or applying this policy can contact a member of the Church Council.

Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed as required.

Policy in Practice

 The practical application of this policy will be demonstrated by all members in several ways including, but not restricted to, care and respect, communication, collaboration and teamwork,


We acknowledge that every individual has different gifts and skills and we will


We acknowledge the importance of good workplace communication and will

 Collaboration and teamwork

We recognise that we are all part of the Congregational team and will


We will exercise wise and careful stewardship of all Congregational resources with care and responsibility at all times.

 This policy is based on the Code of Conduct prepared by the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania, Uniting Church of Australia.

See the Congregation Policy: Code of Conduct PDF version

See also:

working with children, young people, vulnerable people.