
The death of a spouse, life partner, close family member or friend is never easy, it causes trauma and grief. Acknowledging the loved ones life, honouring their memory, supporting those who grieve and the claiming  of our faith in such times is vital, not only for the one we’ve lost but also for those who remain behind.

We here at QUC take our role in helping family members and friends through such moments as a privilege. It is a time to honour life: the life of the one who has died and the lives of the ones who will hold the memories far into the future.  We welcome your enquiries – contact us

A funeral service is a tribute and celebration of the life of a loved one.  Therefore the service should reflect who that person was and what they meant to family and friends. We work with the family and funeral directors to create a funeral service that honours the life of the deceased and also seeks to support all those touched by the death. When you first start thinking about the funeral you might want to consider:

– what needs to be included in the written Eulogy (tribute) and who will read it at the funeral (family member or close friend) some helpful tips on how to write a eulogy

– an appropriate Bible reading, one that was important for the deceased, to the family etc – you can find a list of commonly used readings here. We can also help with the selection. 

– is there a special poem or a verse you may like included within the service

– would you like a photo to be placed on the coffin

– photo presentation (on screen with music backing) – 3 to 5 minutes long

– special music you may like played at the service

we also have the facilities to live-stream and record the service, subject to the availability of an operator. 

We will discuss these and other hopes and needs when we meet to prepare for the service.

Grief Support

Grief is one of the most powerful emotions we will experience in life, while we offer support in your time of grief, some may need specialised professional help. The following links may be helpful:

Please note that if you are not sure what to do and require urgent counselling, Lifeline (ph. 13 11 14) or BeyondBlue (1300 224 636) are always available.