Booking Guidelines

To assist you in deciding whether our buildings will suit your purposes we offer you the following information: 

These buildings, and in particular the Chapel and “New Church”, were built and dedicated for Christian worship and service. You are asked to respect this both in usage, behaviour, and language. 

Because of this primary purpose, there will be from time to time, displays, arrangement of furniture, etc that are related to the worship activity of the congregation. Normally they will not impinge on your use of the facility. We request such displays, etc, are not touched.

On very rare occasions parts of the building may need to be used for one of the primary purposes for which it was built, such as a wedding or a funeral. We will always do our best to arrange such events to not coincide with your activity. However we cannot guarantee this will always be possible. In the case of QUC requiring the building at a time that would inconvenience you we will do our best to make other arrangements for your activity. 

Maintenance of the property occurs at times when tradespeople and others are available. The Church will do its best to schedule maintenance to not clash with your group. However this cannot be guaranteed. Lawn mowing is normally done on Saturday mornings. The Church expects any tradespeople or volunteers to treat your group with respect. We appreciate your understanding of the church’s maintenance needs and your respectful cooperation with this matter.

Church Staff, Uniting, and volunteers use parts of the building in the performance of their duties during regular office hours and also at other variable times. The Church Staff and volunteers will do their best to not intrude on the activities of your group. We request you respect the right of Church Staff and volunteers to be using the building. 

Food should not be taken into or consumed in the Chapel and “New Church” buildings. Food and drink can be consumed in the open area, called the CAST area, adjacent to the “New Church” and in the halls and meeting rooms attached to the Chapel. 

Smoking of any substance and the consumption of any intoxicating (including alcohol) or dangerous substance is not permitted on any part of the Church property. 

Please ensure your use of the facilities is in accordance with the times you have requested. If you need to either change the times or extend the times please contact the Church office to make this arrangement. With various groups using the facility it is essential that all groups adhere to the starting and finishing times that have been agreed to. 

To help us keep costs as low as possible we request the cooperation of all users in leaving the facility clean after each use. There is a commercial vacuum cleaner in the electrical storeroom for cleaning carpeted floors. Brooms and mops are kept in the “new” kitchen cupboard and in the Kindy Room. When you finalise your agreement with the Church you will be shown the location of cleaning equipment 

The Church Office is not staffed. Please make an appointment to come and see the buildings so you are not disappointed by turning up and no one can help you. Any problems or damage should be reported as soon as possible


We are able to provide, on request, microphones and amplification, use of data projector including for PowerPoint presentations and screening of videos or DVDs; a whiteboard; moveable screens/display stands; modern kitchen facility; chairs and tables. 

It is essential that all lights and heaters are turned off and all external doors and windows secured before your group leaves the building. 

Hiring charges

QUC is a “not-for-profit” organisation. As such the fees we set for use of the various parts of the building are based on the reasonable recovery of the costs we incur, eg power, depreciation, maintenance and cleaning. In recognition that heating costs during the winter months are much greater than at other times, we have spread that cost across the whole year so that no group will be disadvantaged. 

User Agreement

A “User Agreement” will be prepared for your signature following your request for use of any part of our facility. This provides more detailed “Conditions of Use” including information on Public Liability Insurance and will include the details of your requested usage and the fees.

Fees and Forms